Given the choice, most people with medical conditions or physical challenges would prefer to live at home and be as independent as they can. That's not always possible, but with the help of Galaxy Security Technologies in Houma, Morgan City & Raceland, LA. and the addition of an easy to use Personal Emergency Reporting System (PERS) they can. The device is a direct link to the central monitoring station so you can call for help whenever you need assistance, any time of the day or night.
Activating the system couldn't be easier or more reliable. You keep a wireless transmitter with you and press the button in the event of any at home emergency. Working like a remote control the signal is received by the unit in your home and then sent to the monitoring station. The signal is received by a Central Monitoring Operator who then notifies the preselected people to respond to your specific situation. These could be family members, neighbors, friends or rescue personnel.
Advances in the PERS market also offers numerous other forms of comprehensive telehealth, lifestyle and safety management solutions for people who want to live alone but are looking for ways to handle their evolving medical concerns. PERS can now offer them solutions to help manage medication and safety while keeping them in touch with emergency help. The system allows them to maintain an independent life in their own home and enable family members to continue their daily lives, secure in the knowledge that their relatives are not alone.
Contact Information
114 Enterprise Drive Suite A
Houma, LA 70360
24/7 Emergency Service
Mon - Thu: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Fri: 7:30 am - 12:30 pm
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